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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Finally at Uni :)

Good morning Readers :)
Finally, I'm here at Uitm Sabah, AGAIN. This time, I'm pursuing my degree. Yes, yes, yes..It's nice to be here ^^. Initially, I planned to attend the first lecture and meet my pals, but they insisted to be here tomorrow since everything is still vague. I mean the subjects registration, the group, schedule, class venue at etc. I was informed that all application students should register for group two and I had already register for another group. kah.kah.kah... Well, doing my degree makes me over exaggerated.  So, instead of going to the lecture (which nobody knows if the lecturer will be there or not), I came here (LIBRARY) to update and amend my course registration since the WI-FI was already installed. The internet connection is seriously NO JOKE. It's awesome ;) I'm glad that they actually had improved the facility and I can conveniently surfs. ohohoo..

And yes, I met a friend which used to be my classmate during diploma. Surprisingly, we chatted a lot...I mean we are not that close before but it's been awhile since we see each other, so many questions slipped from my mouth. haha. I'm looking forward to see the others too, maybe tomorrow ;) Some of them may get chubbier, slimmer maybe..prettier and etc. And, I expects them to say, "your hair is longer" or " you dyed your hair BLACK?" when they first see me. ^.^ hoho

Frankly, the subjects makes me worry, I seriously didn't wish to see any strict lecturer. Oh PLEASE! 

I don't know why, but I miss this place so much, especially this as-cold-as-the-poles library. If you can stand sitting in here for 2 hours without any sweater or long sleeve, you can seriously be a polar bear. hahaha (>,<)

The diploma students are currently preparing for their final exam and we (application students) are just starting the, it's a weird atmosphere..hmmm.

Anyway..that's it for now. Ciao ^^ 


Sabrina said...

Welcome back to student life darl :)
hehehe,mesti best kan..

Just said...

Owwww.. I really miss uni life!! Huhu.. Nyway, happy degree-ing! :)

♫FEN♫ said...

Sabrina: hoho..thanks darl~ eya, syok ni sbb tlmpau lama ddk d rumah kan.. hahah..

Just: eya, that's why I'm going to do my best this time. thanks Just ;)